Helguera believes Madrid will be a formidable team with Mbappe

Former Real Madrid defender Ivan Helguera shared his thoughts about the club’s plan to sign Kylian Mbappe.

Helguera, 48, compared the current Real Madrid squad to the Galacticos era he was part of.

During the DAZN La Liga event on Monday, Helguera said that Los Blancos would be a formidable team as soon as they acquire Mbappe.

“For Mbappe to come to Real Madrid would be an impressive signing, and the upgrade with him would make them difficult to beat,” Helguera said.

Helguera was also asked whether having a talented squad could encounter the same problems as the Galacticos back.

“What went wrong with the Galacticos? The balance, many players up the field, and then the back and forth was not so easy,” he said.

“I was a defender, it was very difficult to defend with those types of players. You have to have balance with players who go up and also go down.”

However, Helguera believes that Madrid will not become like the old Galacticos.

“But this Real Madrid team? Nothing to do with that. Physical strength is also important… and this Real Madrid has much more. I think this one has nothing to do with the old one, but that’s why I say that you have to be a little careful. But come on, for Mbappe to come, if he comes, it would be an impressive signing.”